Poklonskaya said the court’s decision concerning the “Scythian gold” raider seizure

Poklonskaya said the court’s decision concerning the “Scythian gold” raider seizure
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The court’s decision, according to the “nyash-myash” is a political act.
Former “Prosecutor” of the occupied Crimea, and now a member of the “Duma” Natalia Poklonskaya finds the decision of the court of Amsterdam to return the “Scythian gold” to Ukraine raider seizure of property.
She wrote about this on his page in Facebook.
“The decision of the District court of Amsterdam, the Scythian gold is another good example of what nothing to do with the concepts of “right”, “objective” and “legitimacy” when dealing with Crimea, questions from our overseas partners,” – said Poklonski.
According to her, the court’s decision is a political act, which does not consistent with the principles of impartiality and legality.
“It is dictated by the fact that the Netherlands does not recognize the choice of the people in the Crimea, and so – they wanted to sneeze on the UN Charter and other international documents regulating the right of people to self-determination. In General, the court’s decision can be interpreted as a way of raider seizure of property for the enormous sum of 1.5 million euros,” – says Taylor.
See also: Everything you need to know about the “Scythian gold”. Infographics
Recall, the district court of Amsterdam decided to return to Ukraine, collection of the Crimean museums, known as “Scythian gold”. The Ministry of culture of Russia was indignant with this decision of the Dutch court, calling it “a violation of the rights of cultural institutions”.
The decision of the District court of Amsterdam on the return of Ukraine collection of ancient treasures from the Crimean museums means that not only the “Scythian gold” is Ukrainian, but also occupied the Peninsula. This was written by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. “The Crimea is Ukrainian, the Crimea is ours, period. This follows from the decision of the court European countries. Look forward to other positive news from the Netherlands,” he said, apparently alluding to the decision on the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine. In the occupied Crimea has said that the appeal against the return of the “Scythian gold” to Ukraine.
The artifacts in the exhibition were taken from Ukrainian museums that are located in the Crimea, and return them demanded the Museum, subordinated to the Russian occupation authorities. Treasures do not belong to specific museums and Museum Fund of Ukraine, but to return them without a trial the Dutch side refused. Exhibition in the Netherlands opened in February 2014, a month before the start of the Russian occupation and annexation of Crimea. Among the exhibits – artifacts of Scythian gold, jewels and swords of the ancient Greeks and Scythians. The cost of collection is estimated at $ 1.5 million.