Art on the body. Japanese woman creates eerie Hyper-realistic body art

Art on the body. Japanese woman creates eerie Hyper-realistic body art
The work of Hikaru Cho© hikarucho
The artist showed the process of creating small masterpieces.
Artist and designer from Japan Hikaru Cho transforms human bodies and various objects in the drawing canvas and creates a very realistic picture.
She makes three-dimensional images thanks to the laborious efforts. Using paint Hikaru turns the banana into a cucumber, peppers, sushi, and the human face – space object.
See photos: Nude breast, bright colors and aliens: in Almaty was held the great festival of body art
In addition to the finished works on the page of the artist in the social network Instagram videos of their creation.
art model: Eri Kitami
Happy Halloween
PASSION can’t live without fire model: KenKen #bodypainting
制作ビデオ。 胸はニップレスです。 model: 北見エリ