Klimkin explained that would mean for Ukraine the UN resolution on Crimea

Klimkin explained that would mean for Ukraine the UN resolution on Crimea
© Reuters
According to the Minister, this resolution can be used in claims against Russia.
Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin explained the political importance of the UN resolutions regarding the occupied Russian Crimea.
The Minister said in the broadcast “Sedanca z 1+1“.
According to Klimkin, the resolution can be used in claims against Russia.
“We are now on this resolution can refer can refer politically, the whole world already knows but you can legally refer in our claims against Russia. One we already made, one that will be in early next year,” commented the Minister.
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In addition, according to the resolution, Russia should allow in the Crimea the UN high Commissioner for human rights.
“There is another very important component. That is what this Resolution calls on Russia to admit to the territory of the occupied Crimea and the UN high Commissioner for human rights, which the mission would look at what is happening there and would be achieved at least to influence it”, – said Klimkin.
We will remind, in November the third Committee of the UN General Assembly endorsed the Ukrainian resolution on human rights in the occupied Crimea. In the Ukrainian mission to the UN noted that for the first time in documents of the UN, called Russia a country-occupier, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as temporarily occupied territory.
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Today, 09:29
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