The results of the examination of the bodies of the Ukrainian military on the arc Svetlodarsk
The results of the examination of the bodies of the Ukrainian military on the arc Svetlodarsk
© Management civilno-vijskovomu cooperation zbroynih Forces of Ukraine.
Body of soldiers was examined by the experts of the morgue and relatives of the victims.
Experts have denied the torture of the Ukrainian military fighters on the arc Svetlodarsk.
About it reported in a press-service of management of civil-military cooperation the Armed forces of Ukraine.
“Specialists of the Dnepropetrovsk morgue it was found that Lieutenant Nikita Spring and soldier Andrew Bibus died from the received incompatible with life bullet wounds”, – is spoken in the message.
According to authorities, during the examination of the bodies there were no signs of violence.
As noted, Lieutenant Nikita Yarovoy identified his friend in the service, and the soldier Andrey Baybuza – wife.
Recall, 25 December at happiness in the Luhansk region within the framework of the humanitarian project APU “the Evacuation of 200” after five days of negotiations, the militants gave the Ukrainian side the bodies of two soldiers who died on the arc Svetlodarsk 18 Dec.
In turn, the Ukrainian side handed over the bodies of two dead mercenaries.