Farewell to Carrie Fisher lightsabers and the dog who ate the whole Turkey. Trends Network

Farewell to Carrie Fisher lightsabers and the dog who ate the whole Turkey. Trends Network
Farewell to Carrie Fisher© instagram.com/spillmanphoto
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Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, December 29, the Network published a photo with the costumed memory of actress Carrie Fisher – fans of the performer of the role of Princess Leia came to recall the work of the stars in the costumes of “Star wars” with light swords.
Users scared video with a huge snake lurking in the toilet in a residential home.
Amused people and a tiny dog who managed to eat a whole Turkey at Christmas.