The MPs urged Lutsenko to take control of the situation with the license of the channel “1+1”

The MPs urged Lutsenko to take control of the situation with the license of the channel “1+1”
Today, 15:41
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The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
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The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
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The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
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© press service of the channel “1+1”
The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
The appeal of deputies
© Press service of the party “Dill” -
© press service of the channel “1+1”
Parliamentarians require verification of the presence of signs of neglect of the duties of the national Council.
A group of deputies from Association “DILL” appealed to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko with a call to take personal control of the situation with the renewal of the license of TV channel “1+1”.
This is stated in the appeal of Alexander Dubinin, Taras Batenko, Irina, Konstankevych, Viktor Shevchenko, Valentin Didych, Alexander Shevchenko and Vitaly Cuprija to the head of the GPU.
See also: national Council said, when “1+1” will receive the form of broadcast licenses
The MPs noted that the national Council 15 December 2016 was unanimously voted for the renewal and extension of the license for the channel, and during the consideration of an application from the broadcaster, no official complaints or concerns in its address did not arrive. But today, December 29, the last day of validity of licenses for analogue broadcasting of TV channel “1+1” it was not renewed.
The parliamentarians expressed their concern about the fact that the national Council for unknown reasons delaying the process of execution of its own decisions.
“We ask You, dear Yury Vitalyevich, to take the situation under Your personal control in order to establish all the circumstances, determine the legality of the actions of all involved persons, Express check signs of negligent attitude to performance of official duties by officials of the National Council of Ukraine on television and radio broadcasting”, – the document says.
In addition, handling the situation with the license of the channel “1+1” was sent to the President of the National Council on television and radio broadcasting Yuri Artemenko. Policy is required to provide an official explanation of the reasons for the delay in the extension of the permission to broadcast, to check for signs of negligent attitude of officials of the national Council to fulfill its responsibilities and to take all necessary measures to prevent wrongful impact on the adoption of the regulator’s decision, aimed at the transfer of control over the channel “1+1” to others.
Recall that “1+1” has addressed to the authorities with an appeal not to deny the license of the TV station. Two weeks ago, on December 15, the national Council on television and radio broadcasting unanimously voted for the renewal and extension of the license for the channel.
The review process most applications for license renewal lasted 6 months. During this period, no formal complaints in the address of the channel were reported. All obligations of the TV channel “1+1” was performed by all the laws and regulations. However, the license was never issued. And in the last two weeks from various sources began to receive information about attempts to cancel the decision and to transfer control of the canal to other hands.
Leading 1+1 expressed their impressions about the possible withdrawal of the license of TV channel
TSN. Wounds
Today, 13:19
December 29 is the deadline of the previous license. New national Council of Ukraine on television and radio and was not given. The leading television channel I can’t believe that their life today will find themselves in this situation.
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