Groisman told when students will receive scholarships in the new size

Groisman told when students will receive scholarships in the new size
New scholarships will be February of 2017.
From February 2017 academic scholarships will be paid in the new scale. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman wrote on his Facebook.
“Since February of 2017 academic scholarships will be paid in the new scale. Minimum academic scholarship will be 1100 UAH for individual specialties – 1400 UAH honors – 1600 UAH honors individual specialties – 2360 UAH”, – stated in the message.
See also: Social scholarships for students will be 1-2 thousand hryvnia — Reva
In addition, the Prime Minister also spoke about the changes in the accrual of social grants.
“However, from January 1, introduces a new Procedure for the payment of social scholarships. The amount of social scholarships for the vast majority of students – 1000 UAH, for students-orphans and students without parental care – 2000 UAH. In the high schools of the 1-2 levels of accreditation sisterand the minimum size is 750 UAH per month,” he wrote.
Scholarships in the new size will get at least 40-45% of the students.
Recall, the Cabinet of Ministers the draft state budget for next year proposes to increase spending for scholarships to 5.8 billion UAH.
The Cabinet will share a scholarship Fund in 2017 into two parts, directing the payment of academic scholarships to the best students of 2.84 billion UAH, and the payment of social scholarships to students from low – income families 2.98 billion UAH. Changes will occur and in determining scholarship recipients.
Thus, the academic scholarship will be assigned according to the rating of student performance from the Ministry of education, whereas today the grant is paid to all whose GPA is 4.0 or above.