Fighting in the Parliament and accusations of raiding. The scandals of MP Pashinsky

Fighting in the Parliament and accusations of raiding. The scandals of MP Pashinsky
© UNIAN remembered the most loud scandals with participation of Sergei Pashinsky.
31 Dec MP Sergey Pashinsky was shot in the leg nettlesome manwho allegedly threatened to kill him. However, this is not the first loud incident with the participation of MP.
So, during the revolution of Dignity in the car, in which sat Pashinsky, found a sniper rifle, but also in mass media there was information that the MP contributed to the employment of his son in “Ukroboronprom”. Name Pashinsky was involved in the case of raiders. Besides, the man not once was the participant of fights in the Verkhovna Rada.
Dnia remember the scandals around the name of Sergei Pashinsky.
In December 2015, Sergei Pashinsky, along with other officials involved in the case of raiding. Then the President “of Zhytomyr confectionery factory” Igor Boyko submitted the application to the NEB regarding the hostile takeover attempts, which, according to him, were involved in the Minister of justice Pavel Petrenko, the deputies from the “popular front” Sergei Pashinsky, Tatiana Chornovil, V. Krivenko, Pavel dzublik, former co-owner of factory Yury Leshchinsky, state Registrar of Zhytomyr, Loanuk, ex-Director of “Zhitomirtorf” Alexander Rogal, head of the Department of registration service at the Ministry of justice Sergey Benedick.
The President of “Zhytomyr confectionery factory” said that she refused to return to the state register, accounts are arrested, and the tax revoked the certificate of the payer of the tax.
In turn, Pashinsky denied the allegations. On his page on Facebook he wrote that with the raider, in fact, is itself Boyko, who had seized the factory. He has also published a statement addressed to the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik.
About the attempt of raider capture of the factory was discussed since November 2015. Then the company announced that Pashinsky is preparing his takeover with the help of illegal decisions of Ternopil court. According to Boyko, this to Zhytomyr allegedly went on a bus with aunts.
Pashinsky from this repudiated and said that the factory in 2011 from the present owner took the ex-Deputy head of the presidential Administration Andriy Portnov and financier of Yanukovych Yury Ivanyushchenko. Pashinsky believed that now the real owner returns to their property.
However, it was not only the fact of the accusations of raiding associated with the name of the MP. So, in 2007, in mass media there was information that Pashinsky attempted RAID to capture Kharkov factory “Turboatom”, and later, his name appeared in the case of the seizure of “Ukrtatnafta”.
Who seized the factory “Zhitomirski sweets”
14, 2015, 22:41
Zhytomyr confectionery factory is one of the largest in Ukraine, treats its sweets almost 40 countries. And for the third week in a siege. Employees of confectionery factory, which is not allowed to work, forced to gather on the main square of Zhitomir. Of their trouble they know already in Europe, and even in the United States. Why Zhytomyr riveted world attention? Who and why brought the invaders? And what about workers such a sweet enterprise? All claims – to Igor Boyko, a citizen of the United States and Russia appropriated the factory in 2007.
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In March 2016 Sergei Pashinsky photographed on vacation in the UAE at a time when, he said, which is located in Kiev and selects the assets of Viktor Yanukovych.
Information about the whereabouts of the MP on its own page published Viktor Zubritsky and noted that the photographs of the MP is located in the Jumeirah Al Qasr.
In turn Dnia the MP denied this information: “You know, I have respect for women and girls, and if you do… not much to tell you, not to offend, okay? You watch the news, I last week spent in Parliament, taking the law to deprive Yanukovych assets. Zubritsky, which is the right hand Zakharchenko, said that I shot the Maidan, and now rest in Dubai. I am in the city of Kiev and devote time to still confiscate the assets of Yanukovych”.
He also suggested it might be associated with the publication Zubritsky.
“All this dirt is connected with the fact that Viktor Yanukovych on Saturday made a speech and said that some bastards in Ukraine take his honestly stolen money”. According to Pashinsky in the social network got his old photos. “In the photos I. Yes, I was in Dubai. I was in the Alps, I was in Paris, Rome, London, Berlin, was in Croatia, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and in Egypt,” he added.
17 Mar 2014 then acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has appointed Sergei Pashinsky head of the Supervisory Board of the state concern “Ukroboronprom”. And in February 2015 in “Spetstechnoexport”, a new top Manager – the son of MP, 24-year-old Anton Pashinsky. In mass media there was information that the Deputy Pashinsky contributed to the fact that his son be appointed to the post.
“Spetstechnoexport” is a trading agent of the state concern “Ukroboronprom” and is engaged in the sale of the Ukrainian equipment on export and purchasing overseas, which is not enough for Ukraine. Anton Pashinsky, he headed the second Department of the state enterprise, which led, in particular, military contracts of Ukraine with North Sudan for tens of millions of dollars.
At the same time, the guy had no specialized education, which would partially offset the lack of experience of a new top Manager. Before appointment in “Spetstechnoexport”, he worked as a brand Manager at Avangard oligarch Oleg Bakhmatyuk, where he engaged in the direction of chicken eggs.
Anton Pashinsky
At the same time, Sergey Pashinsky, head of the parliamentary Committee on national security and defence has denied the information about the employment of his son.
“The man who referred to himself as my son, gave incorrect information. It is unfortunate that the journalists a false information about some billions of hryvnia, the departments of “Ukroboronprom”. My son is not working in the second Department “Ukroboronprom”, – said the Deputy.
Dnia asked for a comment to Sergey Pashinsky. “I asked whether my son was in “Ukroboronprom” Director of the Department. “Ukroboronprom” Director of the Department my son is not working,” – said Pashinsky, stressing that “Ukroboronprom” and “Spetstechnoexport” is a completely different structure. At the same time, the MP has not denied and has not confirmed the information regarding employment of her son in “Spetstechnoexport”
In turn, Anton Pashinsky later said the information appearing in the press about his work in the Ministry of defence. 24-year-old son of people’s Deputy said that about a month holds the position of head of the Department, but noted that does not work and never worked in the “Ukroboronprom” and did not monitor the contracts with the Sudan, as the country is under sanctions.
He also said that it was his duty to look for companies that can deliver to Ukraine high-quality military products.
On 18 February 2014 on the Maidan, the protesters stopped the car, in the trunk where you found the sniper rifle. Soon came Pashinsky, got in the car and helped the driver to leave the scene.
In February 2016, the head of the Department of special investigations of the GPU Sergey Gorbatyuk told that the MP and the driver questioned. The owner of the rifle said that he transported her in the trunk within ten days “just in case”. The use of these weapons against the protesters and against police officers was not detected.
In July 2014, Sergey Pashinsky hit in the face of his independent colleague Nikolay Rudkovsky.
“Rudkovsky got in the face from Pashinsky directly in the hall. He went and got himself. In General, Rudkovsky has behaved like a… Putin. Yesterday did not support his bill on foreign currency borrowers and the bill Ruslan Kniazevych. Rudkovsky was thrown into the network of phones and home address Kniazevych and now rabid adherents Rudkovsky threaten the family of Ruslan. A rotten thing to do”, – wrote in Facebook the people’s Deputy from “Batkivshchyna” Oleksandr Ariev.
July 7, 2016 MP Pashinsky had a fight with Sergei Vlasenko from the faction of “Fatherland” during the session break in the Verkhovna Rada.
The altercation occurred at the door of the session hall, where they first circle of a few people is something talked about among themselves, and then in the course went fists. But it lasted a few seconds because they were separated by other deputies. Then, Vlasenko left the session hall and Pashinsky left.
Pashinsky came to blows with S. Vlasenko in the Verkhovna Rada
Today, 16:27
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New details of MPs brawl Vlasenko and Pashinsky
TSN. 19:30
July 8, 2016, 20:21
First of Serhiy Vlasenko, said Chornovol, stabbed her colleague – Sergey Pashinsky. It was a response to foul language, voiced in the address of a woman MP from the mouth Vlasenko. Both Sergius – not only elected officials, but also former colleagues. Neither Vlasenko, neither the availability of a brawl in Parliament do not comment.
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