Ministry of economic development has improved the last year’s growth

In 2016 the economy of Ukraine grew by 2%, industrial production – by 2.4%, while the composite output index exceeded 4%.
These figures were calculated by the Ministry of economic development and trade.
“By the end of 2016, GDP growth is estimated by the Ministry of economic development roughly 2%. For the first time since 2011, the industrial production growth for 2016 is 2.4%. For the first time since 2012 due to the consolidation of macroeconomic stability, the composite output index showed growth. By the end of 2016 Ministry of economic development estimates a growth of 4.1% after falling 6.1% in 2015”, – ascertain in Ministry of economic development.
We will remind, earlier the Ministry of Finance called a lower growth rate of the economy last year by 1.8%.
In the state budget for 2017 laid down the economic growth at 3%. International financial organizations are more pessimistic in their forecasts for Ukraine’s economy and give a 2-2,5%. In particular, the 2.5 percent the IMF predicts.