Zhebrivskyi said how many homes and apartments were damaged in the town during shelling militants

As of 8 a.m. Sunday, February 5, at the plant, documented 179 damage to various degrees of private houses and apartments in the city.

About this on his page in Facebook said the head of Donetsk military-civil administration Pavlo zhebrivskyi.

See also:

Militants fired Avdiyivka from the tanks and failed the assault of the industrial zone. The situation in the ATO zone

“I have an update on the devastation caused by rashist of 31 January. As of 8:00 February 5, documented 179 damages of various extent in private houses and apartments in the city. Out of them 133 in the private sector, 25 apartments in high-rise buildings. Damaged 7 private garages, 3 cars, a store and train tracks at the station avdeevk”, — stated in the message.

Also zhebrivskyi said that the night of 5 February in the town was relatively calm.

“The truth was sporadic gunfire on the outskirts of the city,” he added.

We will remind, at the headquarters of ATO stated that the Russian side SCCC inhibits the process of rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure of Donbass.

