US gave Europe a secret report on cyber attacks

To prevent possible hacker attacks during the elections in Europe, US intelligence agencies have conveyed some European governments secret report about the cyber attacks carried out by Russia during the presidential elections in the United States. It is reported by Politico.

See also:

A cyber attack on the servers of the Czech foreign Ministry, the hackers gained access to email staff

“We have shared with our foreign partners everything is possible and that can help them with their elections,” – said the Chairman of the special Committee of the Senate of the U.S. Congress on intelligence Richard berry.

What countries is it still unknown, but the publication notes that the next presidential election is scheduled in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Norway.

Also, according to the representative of US intelligence, who wished to remain anonymous, Russia’s support of populist politicians with the aim of expanding its influence in Europe and to diskreditiert NATO’s unity.

See also:

In the U.S. Senate introduced a bill on new sanctions against Russia because of cyber attacks and the situation in Ukraine

We will remind, in Germany record a sharp increase in attacks by foreign intelligence services on the computers of the German government. Handwriting, say, Russian, but definitely hunt down the culprits is difficult.

It is noted that the German Parliament has become the victim of a massive hacking. Here fear that further information ucide and hackers will aim to unseat Angela Merkel and undermine stability in the country.

