The political scientist called deputies, who did a favor for Yanukovych


The deputies of the faction “Self-help” together with “Euro-optimists” Sergey Leshchenko, Svetlana Zalishki Mustafa Hiring favor of Yanukovych, not voting 9 February for inclusion in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada of the bill, which would be much closer to the condemnation of the former President. About this in his blog on “Ukrainian truth” wrote the political analyst Viktor Ukolov.

The draft law related to amendments to the criminal procedure code, among which the extension of the term of the preliminary investigation from 12 to 18 months, the opportunity to join in a special court proceedings (i.e., in correspondence to court) many of the accused at the request of the Prosecutor, as well as the cancellation of the admission of term of acquaintance with materials of a pretrial investigation in the total period of pre-trial investigation.

“The law on changes were born, based on the practice of prosecutors investigating crimes against the Maidan and personally Viktor Yanukovych. No need to be an expert to understand the importance of the proposed changes. Manipulation of advocates who for months studying the allegations are well-known. And that trials in absentia, the investigation of Yanukovych will become effective when to study other crimes, the accused – the so-called”family” of the former President. Because he almost did not sign anything. It was logical to hope that all the parties who took an active part in EvroSibEnergo will support changes to the bill, but the speaker … to no avail time after time put to the vote the inclusion in the agenda No. 5610, and did not receive 226 votes. With the explanation in the Verkhovna Rada came and the attorney General. However, there is reasonable doubt that the “Self-help” and other such explanations were necessary,” said Jabs.

Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko also commented on the failures in the Verkhovna Rada voting for this bill.

“We, the GPU has done anything to prosecute those who plundered the country during the Yanukovych, who shot the Maidan, who contributed to the Russian occupation. The adoption of the amendments, which improve the procedure of conviction, according to European standards, BP found only 225 votes. There are no words,” he wrote on his page in Facebook.

