In Chernihiv the zookeeper “adopted” a newborn cub, rejected by mother

In Chernihiv, the zookeeper took home a newborn cubwho has been abandoned by the lioness.

Little cat is not leaving my attendant, and even sleeping with her, says the story TSN.Ranok.

It is noted that the little cub, whom they named Donna, explores every corner of the apartment a new mom Inna Savich. A woman completely changed the rhythm of his own life, because animal need to be fed every three hours.

“She sleeps with me. We have a special diaper, oilcloth, we sleep together. It’s like she’s mom’s backyard,” says Inna.

In turn, workers of a zoo have noticed that with the instinct of the mother of the cub is something wrong, but hoped she age pomegreat and in the end will feed the baby. However, once again it did not happen.

“When we were released, animals to feed, a child she once carried and gave it to us. Grow it yourself without me. So this baby we had to give our employee”, – said the Director of the Mensky zoo Zinaida Maksimenko.

Two years ago, Inna Savich nursed nipples with another cub. Marquis it also tried to throw out of the cage.

Donna will live in the apartment for another two or three months, and then Inna will have her back.

We will remind, earlier near the Indian city of Allahabad monkey found a stray dog and “adopted” her.

