Former Deputy Gontareva went to work in the Central office of the IMF

February 27 new Deputy Executive Director from Ukraine to the International monetary Fund will be the former Deputy head of the national Bank, partner of the investment company SD Capital Vladyslav Rashkovan.
“In the rotation for the positions of Deputy Executive Director from Ukraine to the International monetary Fund, the leadership of the regional group of member countries of the IMF, led by Belgium and the Netherlands has appointed a new representative from our state. They became Vladyslav Rashkovan, who will begin work at the headquarters of IMF in Washington (USA) since February 27 of this year”, – stated in the message NBU.
“I want to thank Alexander Petrik for his long and fruitful work, I’m sure we are waiting for new horizons and a high level of cooperation with the IMF in the future”, – said the head of the national Bank and the Manager from the IMF Ukraine Valeria Gontareva.
Note that the Deputy Executive Director in the IMF is assigned for four years. The decision on the appointment to the position taken by the head of the regional group of member countries of the IMF, led by Belgium and the Netherlands, which includes Ukraine. Members of this group are 15 countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro.
Rashkovan in April 2014, he headed the Department of strategy and reforming of the banking system, the NBU, and was a member of the Board of the national Bank. In November 2014 he was promoted and became Deputy Chairman of the NBU, was responsible for the reform and transformation of the regulator. In this position he worked until August 1, 2016, and then went into business. On his initiative there was created a “road map” of reforms in the financial sector of Ukraine – a Comprehensive program for the development of the financial sector of Ukraine until 2020, and the transformation of the NBU. Salary Rashkovan in the national Bank amounted to UAH 150 thousand. He is fluent in English and Italian.