The MP posted a photo glued to the battery Goncharenko with a bag on his head

Goncharenko’s colleague on fraction Vladimir Aryev has published images of the kidnapped MP chained to the radiator, and on his head wrapped with tape bag.
“Goncharenko found. The kidnapper is separable. Arrested. Was a Deputy of the Limanskiy district Council, father of the deceased in the House of trade Unions may 2, 2014 anti-Maidan protester. The purpose of the kidnapping – revenge”, – Aryev wrote in his Facebook.
As you know, the Prosecutor’s office suspects in the kidnapping of Limansky district Council’s Deputy Kushnarev, who allegedly intended to injure Goncharenko. To it already declared suspicion. About the kidnapping Goncharenko Odessa oblast Prosecutor’s office announced today, February 23. And in two hours reported that the MP is in a safe place. The interior Ministry opened a case regarding the abduction, and in the Parliament proposed to create a headquarters for the search of the MP.