The new rules of scholarships left without money, honors and enriched “troechnikov”

In February, about a third of the recipients of academic scholarships are faced with its absence due to the different systems of charges. Innovation is a complex and poorly understood, says the story TSN.19:30.

After its introduction, only 3% of students of the University of Shevchenko in Kiev can count on an increased stipend of 1600 UAH and not more than 45% for ordinary 1110 UAH. Everyone in these percentages does not fit, automatically remain without pay. On the latter now affects the rating of the student that the sum of the number of points for exams and tests, which are awarded based on your disciplines. In the end, honors Humanities find themselves without any money, and the “Threeness” of natural specialties are eligible for payments. Rating of the student can promote academic, social activities, sports and creative achievements, for which the scientific Council adds points. The criteria for their calculation of every HEI, and it does not add to the transparency system, on the contrary, creates a wide field for manipulation and corruption.

The Ministry of education explains that cost savings are not talking – on social benefits funds has provided even more. But the new rules should create tough competition between the contenders it is on academic scholarship. Ratings will vary each semester, so each student will be required to work to earn a scholarship. However, even those who now instead of the old standard began to receive an increased – do not rejoice in this, because automatically raised a payment for a hostel, which is 40% of the scholarships. “You’re in Dorm give 900 remains – remains almost the same. It has not changed anything, just complicated. For Dorm 530 hryvnia – that an unrealistic price,” says the student of physics and mathematics of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute.

The TSN reporter Irina Markevich

