Who is behind the “drain”: in the United States started the investigation of data leaks by the CIA in WikiLeaks

US intelligence agencies began investigating the leak of CIA documents published on the WikiLeaks website.

It is reported by CNN, citing us officials.

According to interlocutors of the channel, the trial is coordinated by the FBI and the CIA. The purpose of the investigation is to understand how the documents came to WikiLeaks, and whether they were “merged” by intelligence personnel or contractor working for the CIA.

Intelligence agencies also find out if WikiLeaks and other unpublished documents. Most of the documents posted are genuine, said CNN sources, but they do not rule out that some documents could be changed.

Most intelligence agencies are concerned about the question of whether Wikileaks to publish computer codes that are used for intelligence operations. If hackers get access to them, it would cause chaos abroad, says CNN.

See also:

“The little seal” and “lucky dog”: WikiLeaks has published a list of smileys CIA

Recall that according to Wikileaks, the US seems to be equipped a database of hackers in the German Frankfurt am main.

The Internet platform Wikileaks released some documents that allegedly come from the Central intelligence Agency of the United States of America. More than 8700 documents appear the part about “malicious software, viruses, Trojans, exploit “zero day” (programs that use unreported vulnerabilities in software. – ed.) and remote access systems” that are likely to develop in the Department.


