The ukropovets Igor Polishchuk was elected Secretary of the Lutsk city Council

Elections held by secret ballot. According to the Commission, of the 34 present at the session deputies, 23 voted for Igor Polishchuk, the Chairman of the faction of political party “Ukrainian Union of patriots – DILL”. This was announced at the XX Congress of Lutsk city Council.
The project of this decision was filed by the Deputy from Dill Nikita Raban.
Abstained from voting: “people’s control”, “Freedom”, “Self-help” and “Solidarity”.
“I will try to justify the trust that I had a Deputy and voters” – said Igor Polishchuk.
Recall that last year during the local elections “DILL” was accused of fraud.
Igor Polishchuk was born 1 July 1988 in Lutsk. He has two degrees in the legal field. Holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board Igor Palitsa “Only together”. Is a Deputy of the Lutsk city Council and Chairman of the Lutsk city party organization “Ukrainian Association of patriots – DILL”.