Akhmetov’s DTEK will sell electricity to Moldova

Open joint stock company “Energocom” signed with the company “DTEK trading” contract for the supply of Ukrainian electricity to Moldova in the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
This was reported on the website of the Ministry of economy of Moldova.
As the press service of the Ministry of economy, March 31, after considering the proposals received from the company Energocom Moldovan GRES power companies-operators of the Moldovan energy market, Gaz Natural Fenosa Furnizare Energie, Red Union Fenosa Furnizare Energie Electrică Nord, Moldelectrica, Red Nord and Red Nord Vest signed a contract with JSC Energocom electricity.
“The proposal was approved by the Energocom Moldovan operators of the energy market due to best price — $ 50,2 per 1 MW per hour. Cuchurgan in the first round of talks suggested price of $ 58,5 per 1 MW per hour, while the second round had reduced it to $ 54,4. Given the amount of electricity imported by Moldova for the year, the difference between the final offers (price offers) will save about 300 million lei”, — said the Ministry of economy.
Representatives of the Ministry of economy, ANRE, the EU delegations in Moldova and the Energy community Secretariat that monitored the conduct of the competition, noting its transparency and adherence to the instructions for the annual purchase of electricity.
Moldovan energy companies this year, five times extended the deadline for applications from bidders for the supply of electricity to Moldova. A quote was presented only one company out of four participating in the tender, DTEK Pavlogradugol — the company, part of the holding DTEK Trading.
We will remind, the Director of a number of enterprises of DTEK, owned by oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, said received “notice” from the terrorists “DNR” and “LNR” about the need for “re-registration” and the beginning of the physical inventory.