Klimkin will offer the “Visegrad four” to discuss exchanges between the two countries

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin announced its participation in the meeting of foreign Ministers of the Visegrad group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary – ed) 12 APR.
He declared it on air of TV channel “inter”.
According to him, one of the ideas, which it will promote during the meeting is the exchange, “It’s about the students, of course, our scientists, everyone,” he said.
The Minister also noted that the subject of exchange becomes relevant in the context of Ukraine’s visa-free regime with the European Union.
See also:
Bezveza with the European Union Ukraine had to wait two months. Schedule of voting
Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told how and when will the procedure bezveza with the EU for Ukrainians.