During the Eurovision song contest in Kiev will be held the festival of light and media art Festival, Kyiv Lights

Festival for three days will change the architectural appearance of Astana and will bring together designers, videographers, artists, light and laser, VJs and contemporary artists. Such festivals for several years, attract thousands of audiences in Berlin, Jerusalem, Sydney and other world capitals. Kyiv Lights Festival is included in the official program of events dedicated to the Eurovision song contest.
Every day at four sites of the festival will be held contests 3D mapping, non-competitive projects, accompanied by live music, large-scale light shows, VJs, exhibition of works of Ukrainian contemporary artists working with light, numerous light installations and sculptures in the urban space. Locations Kyiv Lights Festival will be Kontraktovaya, Postal square near the River station, St. Michael square and St. Andrew’s descent.
Yuriy Kostenko, technical Director of the KLF:
“We are pleased that we have the opportunity to join the organization of the international festival of light and media art in Kiev. This event will attract professionals and young media artists, to give impetus to the development of new technologies of visual art in Ukraine. Believe that the current festival of light will be the beginning of a beautiful tradition and will allow Kiev to see anew his native city and attract thousands of tourists, as has already happened in many cities around the world.”
Yuri Black, head of marketing communications, “Kyivstar”:
“Kyivstar is committed to be a leader in implementing modern technologies in Ukraine. Thanks to the innovative projects we are opening up new opportunities for our clients. Therefore, Kyivstar glad to become a part of Kyiv Lights Fest. I am sure that through this festival we can show a new face of modern Ukraine, modern capital: a young, inspiring and innovative. For participants and spectators Kyiv Lights Fest is a great opportunity to recharge your powerful positive energy. This is an event in the life of the city, which really has to be seen!”.
International competition 3D mapping and live vjing invited video artists from all over the world. The work of the participants of the competition program of Kyiv Lights Festival will be judged by an international jury, consisting of the real stars of the visual arts: the Director of the festival Visual Brasil, the repeated winner of competitions of vjing around the world Ricardo Cansadoknown as Eletroiman VJ, video artist, programmer and designer of interactive media Nicola Pavoneknown as Vj Luper, head of projection mapping Association of Japan Michiyuki Ishitaand Yanina prudenko, curator of the Open archive of Ukrainian media art, curated “New art school”, which specializiruetsya on the teaching of media art in Ukraine. In addition to the main prize winners of the festival with the help of the voting public will determine the winner of the “audience award”. The total prize Fund of the contest amounts to 125 000 UAH.
The organizers of the Kyiv Festival of Lights were:
an event Agency SKY, which for 9 years has received over 40 awards in professional contests (Eventаризация, Golden propeller, Event Awards) and conducted over 300 events;
Studio Front Pictures, world famous for its solutions for large-scale visual show. They created a video presentation, the Jamala Eurovision, did a projection show on the bell tower of St. Sophia to the 1530 anniversary of the founding of the city, and also worked on the visual part of the famous dance of water on America’s Got Talent, which gained millions of views on the Internet;
company Enjoy! Media, which since 2010 years has been producing Jamala, the winner of “Eurovision – 2016”. In addition to Jamala’s company Enjoy! In different years he worked with such famous Ukrainian artists as Onuka, The Maneken, Boombox and Pianoboy.
General information partner of the festival of the channel “1+1”.
Kyiv Lights Festival will be held with the support of “Kyivstar”.
The official website of the Kyiv Festival of Lights.
Kyiv Lights Festival in facebook.