MPs failed amendments to the “law Savchenko”

MPs refused to adopt the draft law No. 5259 on amendments to article 72 of the Criminal code of Ukraine concerning improvement of the procedure for admission of pre-trial detention period, which is known as “the law Savchenko“.
About it reports UKRINFORM.
The bill was supported by 200 deputies out of 226 minimum required. Also, the deputies did not support the proposal to send the bill back for revision.
The bill provides that detention on remand shall be counted by the court in the sentence in case of conviction to imprisonment at the rate of one day of preliminary detention for one day of imprisonment, except as provided in paragraph two of part five of this article.
It was also suggested that after the expiration of twelve months pre-trial detention pre-trial detention in case of conviction to imprisonment, counted by the court in the penalty at the rate of one day of preliminary detention for two days of imprisonment.
It was assumed that in case of conviction to imprisonment for committing a crime again, recidivist crimes prior opinion of the court counted the sentence in case of conviction to imprisonment at the rate of one day of preliminary detention for one day of deprivation of liberty regardless of the length of pre-trial detention.
See also:
“Savchenko’s law”: in Vinnytsia oblast caught the suspects in the brutal murder of a pensioner
Recall, a lawyer-criminologist Anna Malyar said that the so-called “law Savchenko” was adopted by individuals and especially by “the elite bandits” and VIP criminals. However, she stressed that the new document, the legislator recognizes that the conditions of detention nevinovate faces more stringent than those which the court recognized as guilty.
“Savchenko’s law” will be the founder of the famous construction Scam “Elita-center” Alexander Volkonsky shahs and controversial doctor-crook Andriy Slyusarchuk, known as “doctor PI”.