Became known the time and venue of the LGBT March in Kiev

This year’s March for equality of the LGBT community will be held in mid-June in Kiev will be the third in a row.
It is reported with reference to the representative of the organization “KyivPride” Zoryan KIS.
“If last year in the March of equality was attended by about 2 thousand people, in that we expect that the procession will be joined by about 5 thousand participants,” says KIS.
He noted that this event, like last year, will take place in mid-June in the centre of the capital.
“We Nicolicea came to a compromise that the March will be held in the capital. However, due to the fact that this year participants will be greater now considering the choices of the route and its increase”, – said the activist.
According to him, on his page in Facebook has already started receiving threats from the radicals, particularly politicians.
KIS also admits that during the March may be a provocation.