The court of justice gave its consent to measures against the Russian Federation for the protection of minorities in occupied Crimea

On 19 April the international court of justice agreed to introduce preventive measures against the Russian Federation for the protection of national minorities in the Crimea at the suit of Ukraine.
This was stated by the President of the court in the Hague Ronnie Abraham.
Considered a violation of the provisions of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination.
The court noted that the violation of articles 2 and 5 that are referenced in the Ukraine in a lawsuit aimed at protecting people from discrimination. For the introduction of interim measures a party may file a lawsuit only when there is evidence of acts of racial discrimination.
“Regarding provided court testimony, some of them correspond to the definition of discrimination, for example in terms of providing education in Ukrainian language for ethnic Ukrainians. At this point the court came to the conclusion that the Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians in Crimea remain vulnerable. In this respect the court takes note of the report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine” – leads the “European truth” quote by Abraham.
In its decision, the court of justice ordered Russia to refrain from the restrictions of the Crimean Tatars for representation of their interests, including the resumption of the activities of the Parliament, and to ensure the resumption of the Ukrainian education.
In addition, the court imposed on both parties the obligation to avoid violations of the Convention on the prevention of all forms of racial discrimination.
“The court notes that the requirements or parameters for the application of provisional measures under the Convention on the prevention of racial discrimination are valid, and therefore, the court decides that such measures were identified, and that they were fully or partially specified with respect to the articles mentioned by the Ukrainian side “, – said Abraham.
Also the international court of justice in the Hague rejected the request of Ukraine on preliminary measures against Russia on violation of its International Convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism.
The full text of the judgment in English see below.
Recall, the court began proceedings on 6 March and after four days of hearings, proceeded to consider interim measures against Russia. They can include the demand to stop funding militants to regain control over the border to the Ukrainian government to respect the rights of Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians in Crimea. Russia denies the charges, and experts predicted that further consideration of the merits can take years.