The maximum pension in Ukraine is 58 thousand hryvnias – Minister of social policy

The largest size of pension in Ukraine is UAH 58 thousand. It gets the Hero of Ukraine, test pilot.
This broadcast “112 Ukraine”, said Minister of social policy Andrei Reva, but the name “elite” the pensioner said.
“In Ukraine today there are restrictions on the payment of pensions, 10740 hryvnia. And 99.9% of pensioners do not receive a pension of more than 10740 UAH 12 million pensioners. We have 19.2 thousand pensioners who receive more than this norm, more 10740 hryvnia. Of these, 10-20 thousand UAH receive about 18 thousand people and over 20 thousand to 2 thousand pensioners”, – said Reva.
Said that in Ukraine there are now unfair pension system, when 19.2 thousand pensioners receive payments over 10 thousand UAH, and for other restrictions apply.
“19.2 thousand pension payments, which are large on 10 thousand hryvnias – it is wrong, they should fall under all the restrictions, like the others, we should not be exceptions. But even if they cancel, they are a problem of the Pension Fund you will not solve. Although I vote that we brought all to a common denominator,” he said.
We will remind, the government is now finalizing the draft laws on the pension reform, whose main task – to reduce the deficit of the Pension Fund. Promised in the near future to disclose the documents. And in the case of adoption by the Parliament want from 1 October this year to increase pension.