Average salary of Ukrainians is only $ 260

The average salary in Ukraine in 2017 is 6957 UAH. Converted at the official exchange rate is 260 U.S. dollars.
The highest average salaries in Kyiv (10 thousand UAH), Donetsk (6788 UAH), Kyiv (6366 UAH) and Dnipropetrovsk (UAH 6084). Traditionally the highest paid IT professionals and workers in the aviation industry. Such data results 24tv.ua.
Most of the vacancies in the spheres of trade, production and IT technologies.
At the same time revealed that 85% of employers are not willing to pay their employees more than 13 thousand UAH per month. And only every tenth employer is willing to pay salaries at the level 13-26 thousand UAH.
We will remind, from the beginning of 2017 in Ukraine the minimum wage is 3,2 thousand UAH.