In Kiev will begin a large-scale Ukrainization

The city Council on first reading voted for the draft decision on the use of the Ukrainian language in the service sector in the capital.
For the corresponding project, initiated by the filing of which is the Deputy Yuri Sirotyuk, voted by 91 deputies.
“The draft decision is intended to clearly outline that all services in the service sector in the capital — communication with customers, the menu in catering establishments, etc., should first be carried out in the Ukrainian language. Go to a foreign language is only when the client asks about it. This decision will be Advisory in nature and is intended to restore historical justice with respect to our language, which for centuries had been suppressed”, – he stressed.
In addition the document proposes to establish that in Kiev all advertisements, signs, posters, billboards, messages, and other forms of audio and visual advertising must be written in Ukrainian or another language, with mandatory translation or transliteration.
In turn Sirotyuk in the comments Dnia noted that now it is projected the greatest number of problems with the signs, “rather, with the trademarks”.
“Registered international trademarks are not transliterated, everything else is translated,” explained he, adding that in the next two week, everyone has the right to make changes to the draft decision.
“On overcoming the consequences of Soviet occupation in the language area” from tsnua
Earlier, officials of the Dnipropetrovsk region started a “samoogranichitsja”. To improve the proficiency in the state language, they have specific days when city hall communicate exclusively in the state language.