The Ministry of justice named a new head of the individual responsible for Ukraine

The position of Director of the Department for lustration of the Ministry of justice received Anastasiya Zadorozhnaya.
About it reported in a press-service of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine.
Her Deputy head of legal Department and scientific-analytical work, was elected Alexander Chikovani.
See also:
Ukraine has almost completed the process of lustration – the Ministry of justice
The justice Ministry added that by open voting in the new composition of the Public Council on lustration was elected all candidates who were admitted to the constituent Assembly of the initiative group in the quantitative composition of seven people.
However, the competition Commission has not been determined candidates for the vacant positions: Deputy Director of Department – head of Department ensure implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On cleaning power” in the state bodies of the Department for lustration; the chief of Department is information-analytical work and interaction with public institutions of the Department of questions of lustration; chief specialist of Department to ensure implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On cleaning power” in the state bodies of the Department for lustration.
See also:
Lustration is loaded on 99%. Results for Ukrainian officials
Also was elected as a leading specialist of legal support division research and analytical work of Department of questions of lustration (on fixed-term contract); the chief of Investigative management of the Department of State penal service of Ukraine; senior investigator for particularly important cases of the Department of pretrial investigation Investigative management of the Department of State criminal-Executive service of Ukraine (three vacant positions); senior investigator for particularly important cases of the investigative Department of the Investigative Department of the State criminal-Executive service of Ukraine (two vacancies).
We will remind, Anastasiya Zadorozhnaya was I. O. of the Department for lustration of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine. Prior to that, she worked in the legal Department and the scientific-analytical work of this Department.