In Ukraine may increase prices for vodka, cognac and wine

Ukraine has offered to raise the minimum retail and wholesale prices for alcohol.
A corresponding increase in prices envisaged in the draft decree of the Ministry of economic development and trade.
“The current minimum price imposed in November 2016 and their level does not correspond to the real costs of production and realization of alcoholic beverages in connection with the excise tax increase in 2017”, – stated in the explanatory note to the document.
As noted, in particular, the minimum wholesale price of cognac “three stars” will grow from the current 336,22 UAH per liter of 100% alcohol to UAH 355,25, retail – 524,5 UAH to UAH 548,81, “four stars” – 371,27 352,24 UAH to UAH and 549,5 to 568,11 UAH respectively, “five stars” – 384,29 403,22 UAH to UAH 599,5 and 622,36 UAH to UAH respectively.
At the same time, the cost of fortified wines will grow by 1.8% – up to UAH 42,76, champagne per bottle 0,7 l by 1.7% to UAH 71,07.
Minimum retail prices for wine will remain at 33 UAH per bottle of 0.7 l.
Recall, from January 2017 Ukraine has increased the price of alcohol. He became more 10.6%. In “Ukrspirt” has announced that since the beginning of March prices will increase by 8% due to the rising cost of raw materials from the previous price increases in April 2016, and a rise in the cost of fuel and electricity.