On “the Eurovision” there will be additional tickets

The organizers of the international song contest “Eurovision”, which in 2017 will be held in Kiev at the International exhibition centre, updated the scheme of the auditorium, finally adapting it under the scheme of technology. It is possible to increase the number of seats in the hall that will give the opportunity to go on sale with the last wave of tickets, said the ticketing supervisor of “Eurovision” Dmitry Prykordonne.
According to him, as a number of unique technical solutions embodied for the first time, the scheme of the auditorium was little changed after the complete installation of all equipment.
“The building of the ICC is one of the best locations for “Eurovision” in recent years, in terms of the placement of the stage, screens, equipment for special effects, music and light show. Therefore, the more efficiently we use every inch of space, the more effective will show”, – said D. Prykordonne.
He added that after a schema change is a small number of seats had to shift due to security requirements and changes of angle. On average, this amount is not more than 2% of the total number of seats.
“Part of the tickets for these seats were sold out. Since we are talking about a relatively small number of guests of “Eurovision”, the official ticket operator Concert.ua will be able to connect personally with each and to offer a grant equivalent substitute in another part of the room or refund at the client’s request. In connection with the updating scheme of the hall there’s also an optional seat in the audience, and in particular in the fanzone. This will allow soon to go on sale with the last wave of tickets,” – said D. Prykordonne.
He also reminded that in connection with increased security measures at concerts of the competition and the “airport” level of control, in the event it is advisable to come two hours before the start. In addition, it is recommended to have at itself the documents proving the identity.