In Kiev, warned about changes to public transport and restrictions on the roads

Kyiv city state administration have warned about the renovations in the next weekend and not only in connection with what is a restriction of traffic on the roads changes and frequent public transport. This was reported on the website of the KSCA.
22:00 April 29 6:30 30 April in connection with the reconstruction of the transport hub at the intersection of Victory street and St. Daniel Shcherbakovsky changes in the route route trolley buses of routes №№ 5, 26, 92Н, namely:
• trolleybus route No. 5 will run like this: St. belicka square International – St. Stetsenko – str Shchusev – street – St Riflemen – St. V. Chornovola Ave – b-R Shevchenko – Leo Tolstoy sq.;
• the Terminus of route 26 will operate so: Svobody Avenue – Avenue V. Porika – reitarskaya str. – square International – St. Stetsenko – str Shchusev – street A. Teligi street – Vavilov – St. Stetsenko – str. Marshala Grechka – reitarskaya str. – V. Porika street – Svobody Avenue;
• night trolleybus route No. 92Н will be organized with changes on the route: railway station – St. James St. V. Chornovola str Riflemen – Sciusev – St. Stetsenko – square International – Marshala Grechka street – V. Porika – Svobody Avenue.
From 08:00 to 18:00 on 30 April in connection with repair of street of May 9, traffic on a site from street of the Academician the Queen to street Welcome will be limited.
In connection with the restoration of the road surface on the overbridge across the railway track on Avenue Akademika Palladina (near the station “Novobelichi”) will be limited to traffic from 20:00 on may 3 to 06:00 on 4 may and from 20:00 on may 4 before 06:00 on 5 may.
On April 29 in connection with the food fair, trolley buses No. 34 and bus number 101 will change the route, namely:
• Jordan St. trolleybus route No. 34 will be organized along the route: St. North – St. Heroes of Stalingrad Marshal Timoshenko St. – St. m “Minsk” – Timoshenko – Geroev Stalingrada Ave. – S. Bandery str;
• on St. Nicholas Zakrevskii on a site from Mayakovsky prospect, to St. Dreiser, the movement of buses of a route № 101 will be organized along the route: from metro station “Petrovka” – Mayakovskogo Ave., according to the current track, then street – Dreiser – zakrevskogo str., then along the current route.
With 28 to July 7 will be banned the movement of vehicles at the following sites:
• on Obolonskiy Avenue – at the roundabout within the intersection with the street Heroes of Dnepr in the direction of movement to the prospectus. Heroes Of Stalingrad;
• on the street Heroes of Dnepr – at the roundabout within the intersection with Obolon in the direction of motion). Timoshenko, organizing the movement of vehicles on the street Heroes of Dnepr – at the roundabout within the intersection with Obolon in the direction of movement to the prospectus. Heroes of Stalingrad due to the second and third available lanes in the direction of Bogatyrskaya str.
Also during this period will be limited to traffic:
• on the street Heroes of Dnepr – at the roundabout within the intersection with Obolon in the direction of motion). Heroic in the second and third lanes;
• on Obolonskiy Avenue – at the roundabout within the intersection with the street Heroes of Dnepr in the direction of motion). Heroic in the second and third lanes.
In addition, according to the order, temporarily, from 8 July to 15 September, in connection with the construction work at the intersection of Obolonskyi Avenue and St. Heroes of Dnepr in the Kiev region Obolonskiy will be prohibited from movement on the following sites:
• on Obolonskiy Avenue – at the roundabout within the intersection with the street Heroes of Dnepr in the direction of motion). Athletic, organizing the movement of vehicles on the odd side Obolonskaya for a reversal in direction of movement on Obolonskaya str steamy side to the North at the expense of the existing lanes on the roundabout within the intersection with the street Heroes of Dnepr;
• on the street Heroes of Dnepr – at the roundabout within the intersection with Obolon in the direction of motion). North, organizing the movement of vehicles on the street Heroes of Dnepr at the roundabout within the intersection with Obolon in the direction of motion). Powerful due to the second and third available lanes in the direction of the street Heroes of Stalingrad.
Also during this period will be limited movement of vehicles on the street Heroes of Dnepr at the roundabout within the intersection of Obolonskaya in the direction of motion). Heroes of Stalingrad in the second and third lanes.
At the intersection of Geroev Dnieper and Obolon Avenue , from 29 April to 15 September 2017 changes in the operation of buses of routes No. 41 and No. 73, namely:
• bus route No. 41 will run on the street Heroes of Dnepr to the intersection of prospect Heroes of Stalingrad (no arrival on Obolonskaya);
• buses of a route № 73 will run to Obolonskaya with u-turn before crossing with street of Heroes of Dnepr.
We will remind, in the center of Kiev erected the town to the Eurovision song contest, which blocked the Khreshchatyk. Also limit the traffic on some main streets.