Debts are soaring. Ukrainians are unable to pay in time for utilities

Level timely payment for utility services in Ukraine for the first quarter of this year is 85.3%. In the first three months for housing services counted 33.5 billion UAH, and the population paid 28.6 billion UAH.
Such data are cited by the State statistics service, reports UNIAN.
The largest debt – for Central heating and hot water. It is three months increased by 8.8% to 10,355 billion.
For gas people owed 7,117 billion. For the first quarter this indicator has increased by 16.7%. Among all types of utilities the lowest level of payment (77,6%) were fixed at the time of payment for natural gas.
Arrears of rent (maintenance of buildings and adjacent territories) grew by 4.3% to UAH 2.5 billion.
At the same time, for the first quarter of this year reduced the arrears on payment of services of water supply and sanitation (11.8%) – to UAH 1.3 bn and export of waste (9.6%) to 345,5 mln.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet updated the rules for granting subsidies. They, in particular, will not be assigned to the debtors for utilities.