Preparatory meeting in the case of Yanukovych postponed

In the preparatory meeting in the case of the President of the fugitive Viktor Yanukovych adjourned to 18 may, the correspondent of TSN.
Today’s meeting lasted only 40 minutes – all the while the lawyers of Yanukovych insisted on the postponement of the meeting. Advocates say that the attorney General puts pressure on the trial and need to refer the case to another court. Also consider that the electronic system was selected “most advantageous” for the GPU judges, therefore, require to check if there was any interference in the automatic distribution process. None of these arguments judge did not consider it sufficient.
Also the party of the former President allegedly said that Yanukovych was not informed properly, and they want the authorities of Ukraine transferred the appeal to the relevant authorities in Russia, and they gave Yanukovych. Mail, Government courier, and the website of the court do not suit them. Prosecutors responded that in conditions when the person is hiding from the investigation, have taken sufficient measures to inform the suspect.
The court invited Yanukovych to go on a conference call on Skype in two weeks – may 18, until that time, the meeting was adjourned.
By TSN correspondent Olga Koshelenko