Due to the official opening of the Eurovision center of Kiev blocked to traffic and pedestrians

Tomorrow, may 7, in Kiev will be held the official opening ceremony of the song contest “Eurovision-2017“. Because of this, many roads in the capital will be closed to traffic. Also will be limits to pedestrians.
About it reports a press-service Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Restrictions to impose in the first minutes of resurrection and they will operate until 24:00.
In particular, from 24:00 on 6 may at 24:00 on 7 may prohibit the movement of vehicles, restrict the movement of pedestrians in both directions on Mikhail Hrushevskoho street (from the Park road to the street of Ivan Mazepa).
See also:
Safety during a May 9, and Eurovision: on the streets of Kiev will be 16 thousand militiamen
May 7 from 13:00 to 24:00 will be limited movement of vehicles in both directions on Mikhail Hrushevskoho street (from the European square to the Park road).
May 7 from 13:00 to 24:00 will limit movement of vehicles and pedestrians in both directions:
– on Park road (from Peter’s alley to the square of St. Andrew);
– on Peter alley (from the European square to the Park road).
In addition, in the framework of the opening ceremony of the song contest “Eurovision-2017” from 24:00 on 6 may at 24:00 on 7 may will make temporary traffic restrictions in both directions on the capital’s streets:
– on Institutskaya street (from the street Olginskaya up the lane of the Serf);
– on Sadovaya street (from Instytutska street to street Hrushevsky);
– on Lipskaya street (from Instytutska street to street Hrushevsky);
– on shelkovichnoy street (from Instytutska street to street Hrushevsky).