Foreigners-the guests of “Eurovision” was named the top 3 reasons to fall in love with Ukraine

The reporters interviewed tourists-guests of “Eurovision” relative entertainment preference in the Ukrainian capital. Most often, the Europeans were talking about churches, girls and beer, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The Italians admit that they loved the dumplings and the young Ukrainian, so some of them even want to stay longer than the time of the competition. The waiters in the restaurants confirmed that now daily see, how Ukrainian girls meet and have lunch or dinner with foreigners. “Girls, young with older” – say witnesses. Caring capital’s guests and waitresses. “Starting to regret our legs, as we work hard, and just offer to sit down near them,” they say.
Enthusiasm of the Ukrainians do not hide any Koreans or Turks or Portuguese. Foreigners drink mostly beer, but praise only the price and not taste. “Not the best, but okay” – diplomatically they say. However, degrees of beer for dances enough – but in the fanzone all within the permitted safety rules no one has yet broken.
The TSN correspondent Natalia Goncharova