“Melting ice on a chronic puddle”: discussing strange verse Surkov about the two snowmen

The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, who is believed to oversees psevdorespubliki in the Donbass, wrote a blank verse about the two snowmen.

The poem was published in the journal “Russian pioneer”.

“Vladislav Surkov glad, of course, the spring, like all living things, and only can be touched by it as it all. So, how can a poet, and especially the Russian presidential aide, crying and laughing at the same time”, — stated in the Preface to the work.

In the poem talks about two snowmen that die with the coming of spring, and it “will not run and do not climb”.

See also:

Surkov has promised the militants entry “LDNR” in Russia a year and a half – Tymchuk

Vladislav Surkov regularly published in the magazine “Russian pioneer”. In 2009, a separate magazine published the novel “Okolonolya” by writer Nathan Dubovitsky, the authorship of which was attributed to Surkov. Also on poems by Putin aide wrote the music one of participants of group “Agatha Christie” Vadim Samoilov.

See also:

“I received the pleasure of reading the obituaries.” Adviser to Putin commented on his haggard appearance

Social media users already discussing complex strange verse Surkov. “Good trip,” – writes user under the name Alexey. And the user Nikolay Altukhov saw two snowmen “inappropriate analogy”.

Surkov wrote a poem about the coming of spring and the “two snowmen” https://t.co/6r67ZA360f Good parish

— Mark (@lepestkov) may 8, 2017

Breaking Vlad Surkov offended by Valhalla ) https://t.co/ySCvWJt2o5

Petr Kuznetsov (@petrosmith) may 8, 2017

@gusmik977 In the poem, Surkov says goodbye to two snowmen that will melt soon… invalid analogy.

— Nikolay Altukhov (@altnik1) may 8, 2017

– Surkov decided to return to politics.

– Gerry Haliwel. She also lost and returned. https://t.co/4w0gayKzdt

— MONDE! (@kisun_kisun) may 8, 2017

Somehow sailed Vlad Surkov

Without protection and cowards

And a hungry crocodile

It dragged to Valhalla https://t.co/cmHCKnAwmF

— St. Petersburg takser 47+ (@Kompozzzitor) may 8, 2017

“Vladislav Surkov glad, of course, the spring, like all living things, and only can be touched by it as it all” hmm what?

— sashakhazina (@sashakhazina) may 8, 2017

Woke up Surkov, looking into the street – may

And the entrance for the hour

Cigarette butts, grass.. don’t go away, even barking

These verses.. иныеhttps://t.co/w5Gh9SEWqj

— Qwe (@qwestions_) may 8, 2017

