EBRD unveiled a new-old forecast for the economy of Ukraine

The European Bank for reconstruction and development has updated its economic forecast for Ukraine. By the end of 2017, GDP will grow by 2%. This forecast, the EBRD gave before. In 2018, the economy will grow by 3%.
The financial institution notes that ukraiskih economy stabilized in 2016 and the GDP growth rate then was 2.3%. However, the EBRD notes the decrease on 0,7% in annual terms during the first quarter of 2017 of industrial production due to the blockade of the occupied Donbass.
Recall, the national Bank predicts economic growth of Ukraine in 2017 at the level of 1.9%, the IMF and the world Bank put the number at 2%. By the end of 2018, according to forecasts of the NBU, GDP is expected to grow by 3.2%. International rating Agency Fitch forecasts growth of Ukraine’s economy by 2% in 2017 and 3% in 2018.