The court has allowed SAP to take into custody Martynenko

The Kyiv court of appeals has denied the Special anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office in election of a measure of restraint for ex-the people’s Deputy Nikolay Martynenko in custody. About it reports “Radio Freedom”.
The court upheld the previous decision of Solomensky court of the capture of ex-politician on bail of people’s deputies without changes. Postanovlenie not subject to appeal.
See also:
SAP will demand the arrest of all property Martynenko
In the court-room of the institution there were cries of “shame”. Outraged and are in the hall of the volunteers of the inner body of the battalion “Donbass”.
Here comes another one. MP Legwinski outraged volunteers from the inner shell of the battalion Donbass.say it in their own words provokes.
— Michael Shtekel (@mishajedi) 12 may 2017
We will remind, on April 26 SAP appealed the decision of the investigating judge of Solomensky court of election of a measure of restraint for former people’s Deputy Nikolay Martynenko. 20 APR detectives NABOO and SAP prosecutors arrested two people — former Deputy Mykola Martynenko and his accomplice Sergei Fracture on suspicion of forming a criminal organization and of misappropriation and embezzlement of property per SE “VostGOK” damages in the amount of 17.28 million dollars. Himself Martynenko called the charges against him was fabricated at the direction of the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik.
On Saturday, April 22, judge Bobrovnik released from-under guards of former MP Martynenko on bail of 15 MPs and four Ministers.
According to investigators, in 2013-2016 Martynenko, using official position, had any involvement in the creation of a criminal group that embezzled public funds. SE “Eastern mining and processing plant” signed a contract with the intermediary company controlled by the former MP, for the supply of uranium concentrate at inflated prices. In the NEB noted that as a result of this transaction the state was damaged by 17.28 million US dollars.