Poroshenko will go to Strasbourg for the historic signing ceremony of the decision on bitwise

Wednesday, may 17, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko will visit Strasbourg.

The visit of the head of the country will undertake to participate in the signing ceremony, President of the European Parliament and the Maltese presidency of the EU Council legislative decisions on the introduction of the EU visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens.

This was reported by the press service of the presidential Administration.

See also:

When Ukrainians will be allowed in Europe. Everything you need to know about the visa-free regime with the EU

During the visit the President will hold meetings with President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and leaders of key parliamentary factions.


Recall that on 11 may the Council of Ministers of the European Union has approved the final decision on visa-free regime for Ukraine. It was the final authority in permit Ukrainians to cross the border without visas. Now it remains only to wait when the decision will come into effect and mechanisms for the implementation of a visa-free regime will be tested in action.

According to the Minister of foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin, the Ukrainian side is still negotiating with 27 countries on the visa-free regime.

