Deprived of citizenship scandalous MP Artemenko was denied entry to Ukraine

The extra fractional people’s Deputy of Ukraine Andrey Artemenko, which President Petro Poroshenko has deprived the Ukrainian citizenship, said that he was banned entry to the territory of Ukraine.
About this Artemenko said in the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.
“Can’t I come now to Ukraine, because officially received information from the Migration service, border guards, I banned entry to the territory of Ukraine with the use of my three passports,” – said the MP, who is now in Washington.
Artemenko said that due to the fact that he cancelled passport (two civil and one diplomatic), he can’t take part in the work of Parliament, which begins may 16.
The MP added that now in courts both in Ukraine and abroad, continuing a complaint on the deprivation of Ukrainian citizenship.
See also:
Vasu opened the proceedings in the suit Artemenko to Poroshenko
Recall President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko his decree was revoked Andrey Artemenko. The people’s Deputy Oleg Lyashko wrote in Facebook that the reason was that the MP in 2005 he received the canadian citizenship.
The media also reported that Artemenko was one of the authors of the so-called “peace plan” that offers suggestions as to how the head of the White house Donald trump could lift sanctions against Russia. In particular, it was proposed to hand over the Crimea is leased by Russia.