It became known as a minimum must have the Ukrainians to travel to EU

From 3.2 to 71 euros for a day – the minimum amount of money you need to bring for crossing the border countries of the European Union and the Schengen area.
On the website “Mandrus Vdovin”, which the EU delegation to Ukraine has launched to explain the nuances of a visa-free regime, set the requirements of individual countries to the minimum amount of money that you need to have with you when crossing the border.
Thus, the requirements for those wishing to travel in EU countries:
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Norway – 500 Norwegian kroner per day, that is, 1580 UAH;
Finland – 30 euros per day (880 UAH);
Sweden – 47 euros per day (1370 UAH)
Estonia – 86 Euro per day (2.5 million UAH);
Latvia – 14 euros per day (400 UAH);
Lithuania – EUR 40 per day (1100 UAH)
Netherlands – 34 EUR (1000 UAH);
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Poland – 300 PLN (2 million UAH) for a stay up to three days, 100 PLN (800 UAH), if the stay is more than 3 days;
Germany – EUR 45 per day (1300 UAH);
Belgium – 45 euros per day (1300 HR) – foreigners who stayed in private homes. 95 Euro (2,8 million UAH) – foreigners who stayed in the hotel;
Luxembourg – minimum amount of funds is assessed individually.
Czech Republic – 40 Euro (1100 UAH) per day up to 30 days;
Slovakia – 56 Euro per day (1600 UAH);
France – 32,50 EUR (1000 UAH) – persons who have confirmation of the availability of housing. 120 Euro (RS 3500) – persons who are not able to confirm the availability of accommodation;
Switzerland – 91 Euro (2600 UAH), 27 euros (780 UAH) – for students;
Liechtenstein – 91 Euro (2600 UAH), 27 euros (780 UAH) – for students;
Austria – case basis;
Slovenia – 70 Euro (2 thousand UAH), 35 euros (1 thousand) for minors accompanied by a parent;
Hungary – EUR 3 per day (90 UAH);
Italy – 269,60 € (7.8 thousand UAH) per person for up to 5 days for groups less;
Spain – 71 Euro per day (2 thousand UAH);
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Portugal – need to have a sum of 75 euros (2.2 thousand UAH), and also the sum at the rate of 40 Euro (1100 UAH) per day of stay;
Malta – 48 Euro per day (1400 UAH);
Greece – 50 Euro (1400 UAH) per day, a minimum of 300 euros (8.7 thousand UAH) for 5 days.