Sanctions against millions. In the Ukrainian office of Vkontakte commented on the lock

Press Secretary of the Ukrainian mission Vkontakte Vlad Legotkin recorded a video message (edition of TSN treatment has at its disposal), which commented on the blocking of social networks in Ukraine.
“Whether to lock access to this large website an effective method of protection of the informational space? After all, the Ukrainians shared the Vkontakte own thoughts, the Ukrainian media gave different points of view,” said Lagadin.
See also:
Chronicles of blocking Russian resources: a sharp drop in coverage
“Vkontakte is the millions of people with different views. People communicated with relatives and friends freely told me what Ukraine lives — including the people of Russia and other States. Deprive them of this. Of course, we accepted the decree with regret. It sanctions primarily against millions of Ukrainian Internet users”, – he stressed.
In the address he also drew attention that the Ukrainian representative office has always adhered to all applicable Ukrainian laws, pay taxes and never blocked the community or people for political or any other views.
“During the Euromaidan protests, Ukrainians have free access to the communities about events, even if the Roscomnadzor blocked in Russia. We never imposed that political, kept aloof from politics,” the letter reads.
On 28 April, the Council issued a decision on the application of economic and restrictive Sanz against a number of Russian companies, among which the above mentioned Vkontakte and “Classmates”, and “Yandex”, “Maly” and more than 460 companies from Russia. And here, on may 15, President Petro Poroshenko, exactly two days before the historic signing of the agreement on bezveze of the European Union with Ukraine, signed a decree enacted the decision of the national security Council.
If exactly what we are talking about sanctions against 468 Russian companies for a period of three years. Totally unexpected ban, in particular social networks, has caused a stir among Ukrainian users: who EN masse began to “break” in the Western network and who is “clean” accounts banned Russian and so on.
For example, press-Secretary of Vkontakte Vlad Legotkin, citing data from Liveinternet previously announced that from may 16, the day when mass media spread the information about the blocking of the social network from Ukraine was recorded 18 million unique visitors. And this, according to Legotkina, means that that day I became the most popular online resource in Ukraine.
At the same time, the SBU is not going to punish private companies for the use of enterprises accounting program “1C”, which fell under the sanctions. To all stressed that Russia uses Vkontakte in special operations.