An unexpected gift: some of the military released from ATO to last call children

Part of the Ukrainian military received an unexpected opportunity to visit our school children on the occasion of the last call. It was a surprise and the best gift for kids who missed dads and moms, says the story TSN.19:30.
Six months have not seen the mother of an 8-year-old Yana, who was on holiday with her older sister and father. Mother until recently was not sure that I will be able to go to Vinnitsa from Avdeevka, where does their combat mission of its military part. However, she still was lucky enough to visit on completion of training daughter in the first grade.
In Cherkassy on the last call, my son was in a hurry Sergey Sirotenko from the battalion “Donbass”. He did not make unnecessary stops on the way, but still was almost late and didn’t manage to disguise the pure form. “Didn’t stop anywhere. In Chornobaivka just refueled and went,” he admitted.
Military medic 12 battalion Hopes Korniychuk trip was too spur of the moment. In war it is more than a year, but failed after a call to his daughter who is graduating elementary school. The road had to buy the little girl a necklace, and a dress.
The children did not know about the arrival of the parents. How was this unexpected, but such a welcome meeting these touching images can be seen in the story TSN.