The foreign Ministry commented on the ratification by the Netherlands of the Agreement on Association Ukraine-EU

Approval by the Senate of the Netherlands of the draft law on the entry into force of the Association Agreement with Ukraine has proved that the Netherlands is a friend and partner of Kiev on the road to European integration.
It is stated in the commentary of the MFA of Ukraine.
“The overwhelming majority that supported the bill have once again proved – the Netherlands is our friend and partner on the path to political Association and economic integration with the European Union. We are grateful to our colleagues from the Netherlands and other countries and EU institutions, who for six years formed a strong Foundation of support for the Agreement in Dutch society and official circles,” – said the Minister.
Ukrainian diplomats expressed hope for early completion of all internal procedures in the Netherlands and a quick ratification of the Agreement by the European atomic energy community and the EU Council.
“Remembering the price paid by the Ukrainians for the Association Agreement, ensuring its full-fledged entry into force is our common moral duty. Because this transaction is a key benchmark for the introduction of a system of political and socio-economic reforms based on best European standards, aimed at improving the living standards of Ukrainians”, – summarized in the Ukrainian Ministry.
We will remind that the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that the place and the future of Ukraine is in Europe.
A statement in Brussels following a positive vote of the Senate of the Netherlands for the Association Agreement.