The Kremlin has decided to freeze pensions of the Russian pensioners in the next 20 years – media

In Russia from-for problems in economy and lack of money want to freeze pensions for the next two decades, to 2035, and raise the retirement age.
A draft scenario for the Russians was prepared by the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, “Vedomosti”.
To 2022-go pensions in real terms will generally shrink. Growth will begin only in 2024, and 2035-th growth rate will be 2.5%. However, the pension at that time will be even 4% less than in 2013.
The average insurance pension in 2035 in Russia will amount to about 13 thousand (6 thousand UAH), and the pension pensioners – about 15,5 thousand roubles (7.2 thousand UAH). To index pensions to working pensioners by 2035, not planning.
Retirement age plan to increase to 63 years for women and 65 for men. Thus, the number of pensioners will cut for 20 years at 7 million people (23% compared to 2017). The ratio of pensions and wages (the replacement rate) will fall from the current 35% to 22%.
The real income of the Russian population will start to grow only in 2022. Russia’s economy to 2026 will rise by 3.5%, and then growth will slow.
We will remind, the Russian economy is the poor start of the year and falls again.