The SFS explained the situation with import to Ukraine of goods purchased from foreign online stores

Restrictions on the importation into Ukraine of products of famous brandspurchased in the foreign Internet-stores, apply only in the case that these goods are counterfeit, or their origin could not be established.
This was stated by the Director of the Department of customs control organization State fiscal service Alexey Vasilenko, reports UNIAN.
According to him, the Customs Code of Ukraine provides that all imported goods are subject to mandatory verification and the rights holder will have the opportunity to determine whether the product is original. If at the time of inspection is determined by the fact of counterfeit goods, it does not fall into the customs territory of Ukraine.
Vasilenko noted that in the case of non-infringement of intellectual property rights, the right holder informs the customs about the possibility of resumption of customs clearance of such goods. In most cases, that’s exactly what happens, and buyers receive their goods.
“This procedure is valid in Ukraine for a long time. On the one hand it protects the rights of consumers to quality of original product, on the other hand are protected by the copyright of the manufacturer,” – said the official GFS.
See also:
In Ukraine has exposed 11 Internet stores that sold non-existent goods
Thus Alexey Vasilenko, categorically denied the information that the customs have been instructed to prohibit individuals import to Ukraine of goods, trademark rights which are declared in the custom registry. “Customs offices such instructions, either orally or in writing from GFS didn’t arrive”, – he said.
We will remind, before mass media reported that the Ukrainian customs could not pass through border of the goods 1146 trade marksacquired in the online stores. Custom detain goods on the basis of a list of objects of intellectual property included in the customs registry.