In the Rivne region beat Protazanov Atoshnik

He miraculously survived during the defense of Luhansk airport, but got a beating in his native Rivne region. Member of the ATO Andrei Moustache, who in the war lost a leg, just made a comment drunk on a moped. Hearing that calls the police, the indignant scooter began to beat the soldier with disabilities. From one of the blows he fell and injured his prosthesis. The attackers deny their guilt, says TSN.16.45.
Andrew USIC limping on the left side. The leg he lost when on the front its fellow covered hail. Now the prosthesis is damaged. All because of a conflict on the road. Andrew was beaten only because stopped the drunk mopedist.
Andrew said, only called the police, drunken thugs attacked him. Saw it all brother Atoshnik. He says while the delayed one, Andrew beat another.
“I was pushed and then hit Andrew somewhere in the shoulder area. I jumped up pushed it, and the other that the passenger was at this time struck Andrew,” says the brother.
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Doctors have described the condition of the ex-volunteer ATO Osmayev after the attack of the killer
Andrew has received a severe blow to the head. He had a burst eardrum. In addition, Andrew fell and damaged a prosthesis. Guys say, drunk, man has not been touched. Convince Andrew he fell and injured himself. But they say, brothers just hurt. But the police found that Andrew men attacked in turn. Now to decide whether to declare them of suspicion.
Attackers face a fine, probation or community service. Meanwhile, Andrew wants to go to a specialist to repair the prosthesis. After being wounded in ATO 8 thousand euros it collected the Diaspora, children and volunteers.
“I don’t understand how it could happen to grown men could beat, to lay hands on one who passed the hell of war,” says the volunteer.
And from themselves forwards Andrei does not want anything, as long as they don’t degrade the people around.