In Kiev are going to rename one of the metro lines

The city authorities plan to rename “Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiiska” subway line.
The decision of the Council is published on the website of the Kyiv city state administration to discuss the proposal with residents.
As noted, the deputies propose to call the “blue” branch of the subway “Obolon-Cheremkhovskoe”.
Everyone is welcome to support or oppose the initiative, the discussion will run until 29 July 2017.
Now in the discussion attended by 76 people among which 63 were in favor of renaming, and 13 – against.
In addition, the people of Kiev invited to vote for the renaming of several squares and streets of the capital, and choose names of new streets.
We will remind, earlier in Kiev was renamed Prospekt Vatutina Shukhevych. The decision adopted by the city Council.