American dropped 14.5 kg on a diet of ice cream and alcohol

32-year-old American Anthony Howard-crow for a hundred days dropped 14.5 kg, a diet of ice cream, alcohol and proteins.
This writes the Daily Poster with a reference to Oddity Central.
The man saw to his diet each day was two thousand calories. Energy expenditure it supported at a higher level, doing physical exercises.
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Their experiment Anthony wanted to show the dependence of weight loss of consumption of calories, not type of food. “The objective of these demonstrations — the most convincing way to show that you can eat whatever you want and lose weight” — he said in one of his videos on his YouTube channel.
The American admitted that towards the end of the experiment, he began to feel very tired and neglected sports. But after the weight loss he has improved some health indicators, in particular, cholesterol and even blood sugar levels.
“This diet was, without a doubt, the most miserable of my life. I was naughty, and that person just unpleasant to be around,” — said Andrew.
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The man also said that they do not lose muscle, he was allowed the presence of protein in the diet and regular exercise.
We will remind, 34-year-old American Blake Horton has won an army of fans in Instagram due to the fact that he puts in social networks photos of his unusual diet. Guy every day consumes 5000 calories of fast food.