Matios told about the assassination attempts on him and his children

The Deputy Prosecutor General, chief military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios reported two attempts to assassinate him, and that his children are also in danger.
He told this at the hearings in the Verkhovna Rada Committee on combating and preventing corruption, reports espresso.
“Against me by the Prosecutor General issued an order to security of the person. The assault on my children that I do not live for 10 years in a row, two assassination attempts, constant defamation in the commercial mass media”, – he said.
See also:
Matios declared a gift from the wife worth 700 thousand UAH
According to Matios, today, knowing an individual tax identification number of the citizen, “you can go to 160 registers” and find out about any person a lot of information. Thus, the unknown came to the daughter of the Matios, which is not live for 10 years.
At the same Time Matios refused, navodila additional details of the security situation of their children.
This is the main military Prosecutor opposed the open-access e-declarations of the individual military prosecutors who work in the area of the ATO. He added that there are cases of abduction of their relatives. In turn, he added that the state has no resource to guard such military prosecutors.
According Matios, with 670 220 military prosecutors have the status of ATO participants, and 74 – adopted a resolution on the provision of special security measures.
Recall that the declarations of some officials of the military Prosecutor’s office was withdrawn from the registry of electronic declarations on the basis of the decision on application of special measures of security. Such measures are of a temporary nature. However, these declarations are stored on the resources of the registry and available for inspection.
Videogame SBU has responded to the threat Anatoly Matios about the searches in the office
TSN. 16:45
May 25, 17:18